Industrial Engineering Integrated Practicum Framework Design Based on ERP

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Purwo Setiawan Setiawan
I Gusti Bagus Budi Dharma


The development of information technology requires companies to implement Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software to assist in managing company resource information. This has led to an increasing demand for graduates with knowledge and skills in ERP. Therefore, teaching and education on ERP have become highly important in higher education institutions. Industrial Engineering is a study program that can fulfill these needs. Within the Industrial Engineering study program, there is an integrated practicum course where students can learn case studies that closely resemble the systems used in companies. This paper provides a general overview of the current design of integrated practicum curriculum and ERP learning and proposes an innovative framework for integrated practicum courses in the industrial engineering study program by implementing ERP technology. The proposed framework outlines the activities, objectives, inputs, outputs, and flow of the practicum, as well as its relationship to ERP modules. The framework aims to assist the industrial engineering study program in designing a curriculum specifically for integrated practicum courses and providing students with practical experience aligned with standard ERP business processes. The proposed framework utilizes several Odoo modules, such as sales, purchase, inventory, manufacturing, surveys, and accounting. Testing is conducted by faculty members and teaching assistants to assess whether the ERP modules can be implemented in specific practicum scenarios and align with the practicum's objectives.

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How to Cite
P. S. Setiawan and I Gusti Bagus Budi Dharma, “Industrial Engineering Integrated Practicum Framework Design Based on ERP”, J. Ind. Eng. Edu., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 40–61, Apr. 2024.


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