Transportation Distances Reduction at Surabaya Distribution Center Using Anylogistix Software
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The delivery method of finished goods by the company Surabaya Distribution Center is to deliver to one customer location (single drop), and the truck size used will be adjusted based on the demand. The company considers the single drop inefficient since the usage of small trucks is significantly higher than that of larger trucks. Therefore, it is essential to change finished goods previously delivered using small modes of transportation to large ones. Since it is impossible to control customer demand, it might be possible to increase truck size by combining several destinations into one truck (multidrop), which would shorten the transportation distance. The problem of determining the optimal route to reduce the delivery route distance by considering the vehicle capacity is included in the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (CVRPTW), which can be solved using Anylogistix. Anylogistix software was selected as a software tool for applying the simulation modeling approach based on the functionality, accessibility, simplicity, and convenience of use, as well as the degree of suitability of the models to the conditions of reality. The simulation begins with selecting the appropriate type of simulation, inputting data, applying research assumptions, and verifying and validating until a verified and validated simulation is obtained. Through a systematic approach, the Anylogistix simulation can reduce the distance of the routes, initially 280,258.7 km, to 203,905.93 km (a 27.2% distance reduction). In addition, the results showed that the delivery of goods from small modes of transportation allocated to large modes of transportation was 181 shipments, with an optimal utilization of >70%.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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