Design Air Conditioner Maintenance SOP Based on ISO 9001:2015
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Indonesia is a country with a tropical climate. While the dry season comes, the temperatures become very high, which impacts the increase in air conditioner (AC) usage. With the increasing use of air conditioners, air conditioner facilities need to be maintained regularly to keep their functions and machines working well for a long period of time. The implementation of a quality management system, ISO 9001:2015, is the best decision for an organization to develop initiatives. The data required in this research is the quantity of air conditioner along with the description of its condition, the arrangement of the interview protocol, the results of interviews with Mr. Amin, the air conditioner technician, and the entire staff of majors at the Faculty of Engineering, Mulawarman University. Based on the analysis, there are 3 SOPs that are compiled, such as SOP of Air Conditioner Maintenance Requests, SOP of Air Conditioner Maintenance, and SOP of Air Conditioner Monitoring. The parties involved are the user/work unit, internal technician, external technician, general and financial sub-coordinator, and vice dean II as the person in charge. There are several stages in each SOP: SOP of Air Conditioner Maintenance Requests has 7 work steps, SOP of Air Conditioner Maintenance has 13 work steps, and SOP of Air Conditioner Monitoring has 5 work steps. In the entire range of air conditioner maintenance activities, several forms are required, such as the Air Conditioner Maintenance Request, Test, and Evaluation Form; the Air Conditioner Repair Report Form, Test, and Evaluation Form; and the Air Conditioner Monitoring Report Form.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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