Analysis of Reliability Centered Maintenance of Air Conditioning Facilities
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The Engineering Faculty is one of the faculties that was established at Mulawarman University. Engineering Faculty provides air conditioning facilities in every room to support the thermal comfort of the room. Based on the current condition, it is known that there is no routine maintenance program for these facilities. A total of 236 AC units installed in each room are in good condition, decreased reliability conditions and in damaged condition (cannot be used at all). Previously, corrective maintenance was carried out, namely operating the machine until it broke down and then repairing or replacing it. Corrective maintenance is a poor maintenance strategy because it causes high operational costs, downtime and affects machine performance. There are several problems that occur in air conditioning facilities, namely the installed air conditioner does not have any effect, the air conditioner leaks, the air conditioner cannot be turned on, etc. Based on these problems, a Failure Mode Effect and Analysis (FMEA) analysis and Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) analysis were performed. FMEA analysis is used to determine the functional failures that occur in the air conditioning system and the failure rate based on the RPN value of the questionnaire. RCM analysis is used to determine the recommended maintenance actions for air conditioning components. The results of the FMEA analysis show that the critical components in the Engineering Faculty air conditioning facility are compressor components with an RPN value of 405, PCB control with an RPN value of 320, blower motor with an RPN value of 180, thermistor with an RPN value of 196 and capillary pipe with an RPN value of 216. The results of the RCM analysis determined maintenance actions for critical components, namely thermistor components using a time-directed (TD) action plan and compressor components, PCB control, capillary pipes and blower motors using a condition-directed (CD) action plan.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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