Redesigning Warehouse Layout PT XYZ Using Class-Based and CRAFT Methods
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PT XYZ has a warehouse that serves as a Temporary Storage Area (TPS) for imported and exported goods. Currently, the import area of the warehouse has a rack capacity of 2,940 pallet positions, consisting of 14 single-deep racks and 24 double-deep racks. However, the number of goods received and stored is only 867 pallets. The random placement system of imported goods complicates the consignee's retrieval process during system failures. The utilization of racks in the import warehouse is suboptimal due to the significant unoccupied space that lacks pallets. At the same time, there is a necessity for additional specialized areas to accommodate large-dimensional goods. This study utilizes the class-based storage policy to categorize goods based on their characteristics using the CRAFT (Computerized Relative Allocation of Facilities Techniques) method, one of the methods for obtaining a warehouse layout that matches the needs and dimensions available. This research results in the classification of three main classes: Class A represents 77% of consignees with over 4 pallets, while Class B and C account for 15% and 8%, respectively, with a total requirement of 867 pallets. After rearranging the rack layout in the warehouse using the CRAFT method, the space utilization reaches 67.53%, which is not far from the initial condition. Meanwhile, rack utilization increases to 93.83% from the initial 31.45%, resulting in a new area to accommodate large-sized goods and business expansion, totaling 505.44 m2, or approximately 9.5% of the total imported goods area.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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