Modelling the Emergence of Financial Well-being on the Adoption Process of Mitigation Measures in Human-Elephant Conflict
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Advancement in agricultural sector has caused an exponential increase in converting forestry area into agricultural land leading to elephant habitat fragmentation that triggers Human-Elephant Conflicts (HEC) that happens in areas adjacent to protected areas. Although many attempts have been put in place, they have only been effective in the short term and potentially causing another problem, thus a holistic strategy is needed. However, in the midterm, it is crucial to effectively reduce the actual damage to crops caused by elephants to improve coexistence between humans and elephants in shared landscapes. The purpose of this study is to explore the farmers’ decision-making process to overcome such issues and the impact of their decisions in terms of financial conditions in Villages near Bukit Tigapuluh National Park by implementing agent-based modelling (ABM) to study this phenomenon. The results showed that insufficient financial resources can lead to a chain of effects that prevent farmers from adopting mitigation techniques and/or properly maintaining their mitigation tools or crops, ultimately resulting in a decrease in the net income that farmers should receive. Farmers with higher cash reserves can endure and overcome the effects of HEC, while the ones with low cash reserve don’t. The government should begin to consider the financial well-being of farmers in conflict areas as a factor in designing policies to resolve elephant-human conflict. Failing to address this issue can result in a prolonged negative perception of farmers towards elephants, potentially endangering both elephant conservation and farmer welfare.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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